Thursday 26 February 2004 5:50:42 am
As far as I know due to limitations of EZXML somethings like align and size that would otherwise work html don't work (I'm not sure about the reasons for this). However you can make the the changes in the templates. It sounds a bit complicated, but it's quite easy if you follow a step-by-step example: Example: You want to align your image right in EZXML, align isn't allowed in EZXML so you must create a template override to be matched on class. For simplicity we'll use a table to align the object. in override/site.ini.append.php create content.ini.append.php add these lines:
[td] AvailableClasses[]=tdRight In settings/override/override.ini.append.php add this:
Subdir=templates Match[classification]=tdRight
now copy design/standard/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/td.tpl
to design/[siteaccess]/overrides/templates/tdRight.tpl (repeat for each siteaccss you want to use it in) and in the new file change the code so that align=right. Clear your caches Now in your EZXML whenever you need to align something to the right in a table: <td class="tdRight"><object id=222></td> Changing sizes is a little more complicated, but I think I've given you enough there to figure it out. :) Regards, James