Forums / General / intranet from scracth or ez Publish instance ?
Sunday 07 November 2010 10:06:13 am
i m planning to create an intranet (very specific with a lot of features) and i was wondering what is a best and most flexible solution between :
1 ) starting with an eZ publish instance
2) or creating from scratch with ez components
at a first glance i'll choose the option 1 but i ll be very curious if anyone try something similar with option 2.
Gaetano Giunta
Sunday 07 November 2010 1:13:14 pm
Tough to give a meaningful answer with no given requirements (desired feature set, size of the team and experience of the coders, maintenance requirements, etc...)
Principal Consultant International Business Member of the Community Project Board
Monday 08 November 2010 12:31:25 am
Yes i know.
it was just a general question, if ti's (possible) worth it to start from scratch (like a zend framework app)
Nicolas Pastorino
Monday 08 November 2010 12:52:00 am
Hi Jo,
Generally, if the intranet requirements contain such notions as edition collaboration, updating content, access control, translation, versioning, Webdav access, high load and clustering, then you may want to not re-invent the wheel, and start off with an existing solution, eZ Publish being one of the enterprise-grade options. Anecdotally, France Telecom Research & Development has been using eZ Publish for several years for sharing knowledge internally (5 000 employees).
-- Nicolas Pastorino Director Community - eZ Member of the Community Project Board eZ Publish Community on twitter: t : G+ :
Thiago Campos Viana
Monday 08 November 2010 2:30:17 am
You can even use ez publish default features and create additional ones with ez components. This is like the option 3, use both.
eZ Publish Certified Developer: Twitter:
Marko Žmak
Thursday 11 November 2010 6:58:38 am
I would definitely suggest to start with eZ Publish and the extend it to meet the needs for special functionality.
In this way you can use all the power from both technologies.
I used this approach on an Intranet site (although it didn't need many complex customizations) and also for many public portal that needed special functionality.
And it works really well.
-- Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it! Hubert Farnsworth
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