Forums / General / keywords not run ???!!!
Nguyen Tien Hy
Thursday 23 December 2004 1:59:09 am
Hi all,
I used a section of source code in "full-view template" as follows:
{let related=$node.object.data_map.keywords.content.related_objects} {section show=$related} <h2>Related documents</h2> <ol> {section name=Related loop=$related} <li><a href={$:item.url_alias|ezurl}>{$}</a></li> {/section} </ol> {/section}{/let}
The 'current node' has a 'Keywords datatype' attribute with "dog" value.I put some other objects with keyword="dog".
Nothing appears.
Help me.
Thursday 23 December 2004 2:05:29 am
Additinal info: I run ez 3.4.4