Forums / General / Maximum of nodes

Maximum of nodes

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Martin Simek

Sunday 11 December 2005 10:31:16 pm

a little, but important question: Is by anything limited maximal number of nodes that eZ publish can contains? and is limited maximal number of users?

I ask you, bacause my server (where we are using eZ) is at start and now contains about 700 nodes, but in the future that number may be up to 20.000 (articles, folder, etc.). And I will have to have up to 300 users with different permissions.

[Table "ezsearch_object_word_link" makes me slightly worry. Now when system contains 700 nodes, this table have around 65.000 rows!]

Please, give me your advice about great numbers of nodes.


Bruce Morrison

Sunday 11 December 2005 10:43:34 pm

Hi Martin

Node info is stored in ezcontentobject_tree it's primary_key is stored at int(11) so this will be the number of nodes the system will support (well within 20,000 :).

However it's the a ezcontentobject_attribute table that will cause problems before you run out of nodes. It's primary keys is also int(11) and you ususally have multiple attributes per content_object not to mention versions.

Assuming that php will handle ints of this size your site will have to have quite a few objects/nodes before you run into these limits.

Be good to get some definative upper limits from eZ though.


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Gabriel Ambuehl

Monday 12 December 2005 1:09:23 am

It would seem to me that those ints are rather theoretically hard upper limits. Much more important would be data about scalability. I doubt you'll be able to hold 32bit int worth of atttribute data (that'd be 4billion plus records) without choking the system much sooner. FWIW, seems to currently be at about 105000 contentobjects, so 20000 should be well within reach on appropriate hardware.


Martin Simek

Thursday 15 December 2005 6:58:43 am

Thank you very much for answers!

Martin Simek