Forums / General / Naming Convention
Softriva .com
Monday 28 August 2006 10:14:39 am
I am starting to get confused about naming my templates and variables.
How do you guys/gals name your templates and variables. Is there a naming convention for naming templates and variables?
Christian Johansen
Tuesday 29 August 2006 11:46:48 pm
I put my templates in hierarchies and give them names reflecting the class and if nescessary section or other override criteria. Example:
node/view/full/folder.tpl node/view/full/news_folder.tpl node/view/line/folder.tplcontent/datatype/ezstring.tpl
and so on. As for variables I stick to the underscore style of writing names that is used mostly throughout eZ: $date_created and so on.
Pascal von Büren
Wednesday 30 August 2006 12:49:35 am
Hi there,
same goes here for folders and variables.Additionally, there is a coding standards guide on for both template language and php:
<b>Template Standards</b>
<b>PHP Standards</b>
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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