Forums / General / Oldddddd Ez 2.2.6

Oldddddd Ez 2.2.6

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John Michael

Thursday 14 December 2006 9:52:12 am

This is toooo old i know but a client has o prob in his page and i can´t get the thing to work correct. :(

This is the case..

i have a page that has files inside and out of folders. my problem heapons with files outside the folders.

the prob is that when i have more than 10 files when i click next the page that loads is the next page but from the last folder and not from outside the folder it self.

A solution at short time is to place a general or all folder, but it´s not a pratical solution...
version 2.2.9 as also the same prob. :(

i´ve watched some files and the prob seems to be in the filelist.php. that is inside the folder filemanager/user/.

if someone could help i would be apreciated. ;)

ty in advance

ps: the client does not intend to change to verion 3.xx that´s why i have posted this here.

John Michael

Friday 15 December 2006 1:06:45 am

sorry to put this in here but forum for 2.2 does not seem to work... :(

kracker (the)

Friday 15 December 2006 8:05:20 am

I feel for you.

I would not be surprised if it was gone for good after so many years of languishing.
Sadly, eZ publish v2.x has long since been unsupported by most ...

You could always try, for eZ publish v2.x, yet even that medium has fallen by the wayside.

I would recommend being more clear about the specifics.
- What is the need
- What is the problem
- What might solve the problem
- What is the interdependent breakdown that binds you from solving it?

eZ publish v2 is much simpler application in many respects, to modify or customize to meet your needs, mostly via PHP code.

<i>tv: robot chicken</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

John Michael

Friday 15 December 2006 9:49:24 am

in filemanager i have 10 folders that have files inside, that works ok.
Problem is that i also have files outside the folders. i have a limit of 10, so that when i have that number of files it puts a "Next" link so i can navigate to the next page with item/files outside the folders.

But that does not heapon, when i click next it goes to the next page of the last folder that is in the home dir...

i think the problem is in the filelist.php, some where else here:

$fileNumber = $folder->countFiles();

if ( $Offset > 0 )
$t->set_var( "prev_offset", ( $Offset - $Limit ) > 0 ? $Offset - $Limit : 0 );
$t->parse( "prev", "prev_tpl" );
$t->set_var( "prev", "" );

if ( $fileNumber > $Offset + $Limit )
$t->set_var( "next_offset", $Offset + $Limit );
$t->parse( "next", "next_tpl" );
$t->set_var( "next", "" );

if ( count( $fileList ) > 0 )
$t->parse( "file_list", "file_list_tpl" );
$t->set_var( "file_list", "" );

the prob i have so that i solved it my self is that i am a php almost noob. :(