Forums / General / Online Upgrade from ezdhtml 4.3.1 to ezoe 5.0.4

Online Upgrade from ezdhtml 4.3.1 to ezoe 5.0.4

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John Smith

Monday 05 July 2010 2:48:00 am

Hi Guys,

Last week, I tried to upgrade online editor from ezdhtml 4.3.1 to ezoe 5.04 in ezpublish 4.0.1. Upgradation is quite simple and works well. Few things which I have noticed after upgradation:

1. Editing and publishing the pages is removing few of the custom tags.

2. Objects aligned right in previous online editor version is being ignored by new online editor means it is not picking any align value now.

Because of all this I have to manually go through each and every page which seems quite time consuming.

Is there any way I can write a script which does everything for me and does not need time consuming manual checking of pages.


André R.

Monday 05 July 2010 5:03:47 am

For the embed right align issue, you can use this:

But make sure you use the --skip-custom-align option, as otherwise you'll lose your align data for custom tags unless you also upgrade to 4.1 ( recommended btw, align is not fully supported on 4.0.0 )

Not sure about your custom tag issue. sure you have correct definition of them in content.ini?
And if you do, could you post the [CustomTagSettings] ?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

John Smith

Monday 05 July 2010 9:48:09 am

Thanks Andre for the link. I will have a look. Upgrade is already planned but I need to fix this issuse before upgrading the software to 4.2. Hopefully the script will work on 4.0.1 with option --skip-custom-align.

Regarding custom tag, please find the defination in content.ini



I think it is to do with the way online editor ezdhtml 4.3.1 handles custom tags. In ezoe it always put the name of the custom tag in the high lighted box where as in 4.3.1 it used to be blank.

For e.g.

In ezdhtml:

<custom name="youtube" custom:movieurl="" custom:w="100%" custom:h="200" custom:location="center"></custom>

In ezoe

<custom name="youtube" custom:movieurl="" custom:w="100%" custom:h="200" custom:location="center">youtube</custom>

John Smith

Wednesday 07 July 2010 3:00:45 am

Hi Andre,

Did you manage to have a look at custom tag settings in content.ini.append.php as requested.

Please help....


John Smith

Wednesday 14 July 2010 1:46:38 pm

Anybody please?