Forums / General / Payment through a bank
Kruglova Natasha
Monday 03 August 2009 12:19:53 am
Good day.
Please, give me a link to the module for the payment through a bank (receipt).
Monday 03 August 2009 1:36:14 am
What bank or financial institution would you like to use?
Each of them usually implement their options somewhat differently.
We have several examples of how this is done (in general) [0]
Brookins Consulting | Certified | Solutions | eZpedia community documentation project |
Monday 03 August 2009 4:25:17 am
Now I use a payment gateway 2CheckOut.
I need an additional method of payment - a receipt for payment through the bank.Necessary that the buyer print the receipt and has paid cash in any bank.
Monday 03 August 2009 4:30:13 am
Ahh. Are you using this extension?
You may wish to contact the author of this extension directly to inquire if it provides the support you require.
Wednesday 05 August 2009 10:31:30 pm
I need a module to display a printed form. (Any printed form). I will display information about the payment. The buyer is to pay the order through a bank. In printed form, I want to show my payment details and information about ordering. I need a separate module printed forms.
Wednesday 05 August 2009 11:13:28 pm
It still sounds like you require technical development (at any level) to provide the information as you describe.
We have once worked with a customer who received custom module view for printing the same information. A little different for them but I think but the basic principle is sound/similar.
In another customer even required payment / gateway information to be recalled which also surrounded complicated issues of safe storage / retrieval / limited usage of this private information. This can be a touchy subject regarding privacy and true security.
The generic admin invoice printable view ... might... have made itself into xrow's commerce extension I'm not certain it may have been overlooked since it was customized for the client.
You might be able to check with the project forum directly and borrow. <i></i>
Thursday 06 August 2009 12:36:58 am
It did! <i></i>
But as you describe it Heath your missing the point. They are looking for user printable invoice module and workflow event view I think. (prolly customized different than your past customer example).
Module view for use to be able to refer to this directly via url link at anytime (authenticated) and workflow event (for use during the checkout process) or replace the checkout redirect to the default receipt view (additionally).
Perhaps this gives them something to start with with which to modify to meet their needs.
Tuesday 11 August 2009 9:03:29 pm
>> <i>Module view for use to be able to refer to this directly via url link at anytime (authenticated) and workflow event (for use during the checkout process) or replace the checkout redirect to the default receipt view (additionally).</i> <<
James, tell more in detail how it to make?
Wednesday 12 August 2009 12:25:12 am
No I'm sorry. If I had code I would share it but ... I do not have time myself (nor does few others) to psudo develop the software gratis on your behalf through a support forum thread converstation. It's really really a bad idea in general most of the time (ie: fails to help either party).
In general I pointed you in the right direction if you were a software developer you would be able to extrapolate how to implement this functionality yourself. This is one of the unfortunate limitations surrounding the eduction of users of eZ Publish. It seems cruel but then it is a simple nature of the dynamic involved.
I strongly suggest you obtain programming assistance to help you reach your goal.
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