Forums / General / permissions on the forum
leonardo rocha
Monday 16 May 2005 6:33:01 pm
I need to control the forum acess. My objective is: The guest user can´t read or post any information, only authorized (registred AND authorized) users can do this.
what I have to change? Somebody can help me, please.
PS: Sorry for the english. I´m brazilian.
Brendan Pike
Tuesday 17 May 2005 6:04:05 am
Hi Leonardo
This is a relatively easy thing with eZ publish 3.x, Assuming you already have a working forum package. Simply go to Admin / User accounts / Roles and policies area and edit the relivent user roles. Let us know if you still can't work it out and I'll give more detail if you need it. We are always interested in hearing from experienced eZ PHP programmers and eZ template designers interested in contract work.
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