Forums / General / Registering user without confirmation mail
Nabil Alimi
Thursday 17 March 2005 5:12:59 am
Hi there.
Is there a way for Users to not to have to recieve a confirmation mail in order to login ?
(I've searched the forum, but no precise answer to my question.)
My blog : / / eZ Publish Freelance developper. Feel free to contact me +33 674 367 057 nabil at assiki d0t fr
Ćukasz Serwatka
Thursday 17 March 2005 5:26:49 am
Hi Nabil,
Look into settings/site.ini file. There is section [UserSettings] and VerifyUserEmail=
In your override site.ini.append.php add
[UserSettings] VerifyUserEmail=disabled
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Thursday 17 March 2005 5:46:57 am
Thanks. :)
I just had to modify the Roles and Policies in order to grant accesses and it worked perfectly. :)
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