Forums / General / slow node tree browser
Jack Rackham
Thursday 01 September 2005 2:42:09 am
How do I remove the node tree browser on the left side of the admin panel? Loading this mini browser really slows large sites down!
Kristof Coomans
Thursday 01 September 2005 5:18:28 am
You can alter design/admin/templates/parts/content/menu.tpl.
independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |
Thursday 01 September 2005 6:54:36 am
Do you think I cud remove from…admin_treemenu=1 to admin_treemenu=0?
Thursday 01 September 2005 7:04:38 am
No. As far as I know, that settings is only used by view caching.
Just delete everything in design/admin/templates/parts/content/menu.tpl and save it.
Thursday 01 September 2005 8:28:56 am
Well that removed the link to the trash as well, but it's better to have no shortcut to the trash than to display that awful menu.
Thursday 01 September 2005 8:54:28 am
The template code for the link to trash:
{section show=ne( $ui_context, 'browse' )} <div id="trash"> <ul> <li><img src={'trash-icon-16x16.gif'|ezimage} width="16" height="16" alt="Trash" /> <a href={concat( '/content/trash/', ezini( 'NodeSettings', 'RootNode', 'content.ini' ) )|ezurl} title="{'View and manage the contents of the trash bin.'|i18n( 'design/admin/parts/content/menu' )}">{'Trash'|i18n( 'design/admin/parts/content/menu' )}</a></li> </ul> </div> {/section}
Paul Borgermans
Thursday 01 September 2005 10:19:58 am
There are also settings in contentstructuremenu.ini
MaxDepth and MaxNodes are your friends there (ezp 3.6.1 is what I use here).
Try for instance
Clear the caches and see what happens
eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training
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