Forums / General / Storing videos for any siteaccess.
Guillaume R
Wednesday 28 March 2007 1:14:51 pm
Hi! I've a little problem. When I upload a video using the admin interface, eZ publish stores it in adminsiteaccess/storage/original/video. But the problem is if I'm browsing the video page in an other siteaccess version of the site it looks for the video in the current siteaccess/storage/original/video folder. It's not stored there so the video won't play.
The website uses 2 differents siteaccess for different languages, I would like to display the same videos in each of them.
I tried changing the VarDir FileSettings in site.ini to admin's storage folder to get the right path, the result was there but the cache is also using these filesettings - the siteaccess version won't get cached, I can't use that trick...
Anyone has an idea?
Ćukasz Serwatka
Friday 30 March 2007 2:27:43 am
What do you mean by
the siteaccess version won't get cached?
View cache is stored per siteaccess. So it will be cached properly with same VarDir for all siteaccess as long as ViewCaching is enabled.
When all siteaccess using same database then VarDir MUST be same for all siteaccess public and non-public (admin). Other way you will run in troubles like you mention above (uploaded files are stored in wrong VarDir).
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Monday 02 April 2007 8:27:10 am
Well, thanks for your reply. It helped me to solve the problem and it looks like view caching wasn't enabled.
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