Forums / General / Trouble when renaming folders

Trouble when renaming folders

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Troy Babcock

Saturday 06 November 2004 3:39:19 pm

I am concerned about a problem I am having with the eZ administration tools. I can recreate the error at will doing the following:

1. Go under the root node and create a fold named "Folder to Rename" (short name = "Folder to Rename")
2. Go into "Folder to Rename" and create a sub folder named "Sub Folder"
3. Go to the root and rename "Folder to Rename" to "Renamed Folder" (short name = "Renamed Folder")
4. Go into "Renamed Folder" - If at this point I try to go into "Sub Folder" to, say, add content (or anything) I am faced with:

Error / kernel (20)
Module not found

The requested module renamed_folder could not be found.

Possible reasons for this is.

* The module name was misspelled, try changing the url.
* The module does not exist on this site.
* This site uses siteaccess matching in the url and you didn't supply one, try inserting a siteaccess name before the module in the url .

I cannot seem to correct the error using the eZ tools. Knowing this is a problem (for me) I can skirt it initially... but I am worried about what might happen down stream if someone decides to rename the folders.

I am using ez version 3.4.2.


Troy Babcock

Lazaro Ferreira

Saturday 06 November 2004 4:59:36 pm

Have you clear up the cache ?

case yes,

which is the offending URL ?


Troy Babcock

Sunday 07 November 2004 9:43:00 am

Yes I cleared the cache. I also tried editting "sub folder" - hoping it would reassociate to the new name - but no avail, I still could not go into the sub folder without the above error.

The offending URL:


Troy Babcock

Sunday 07 November 2004 11:29:57 pm

Quick update:

It appears that the significant part is the "short name" of the folder. If I just rename the folder and leave the short name alone there is no problem. It is when I change the short name that all the contents of the folder can no longer be accessed. This was not clear in my original post - sorry.

Interestingly enough I can search on the contents of the renamed folder and it finds the classes and folders. But my success is short lived because I cannot access these from the search results.
