Forums / General / Unexpected missing search results

Unexpected missing search results

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Rebecca Bailey

Monday 28 March 2005 10:47:36 am


I'm attempting to troubleshoot a search problem on an install of ezpublish that was handled by another person. I know very little about ezpublish itself and have encountered a strange problem with the search results. I contacted the person who did the original setup and installation and he had no ideas either. My hope is that someone has seen similar behavior in the past and could at least point me in the right direction.

The issue proper: a search on the word "Cancer" generates 0 matches, though there are obviously related records. "Can" will bring up appropriate matches, "Canc" will bring up 0. Other, similar folders names/terms seem to generate the expected results. AIDS, for example, works just fine (Health Topics > Diseases and Conditions > AIDS).

So far, this is the only one we've encountered like this and I'm a bit at a loss. This happens in both the public and staff side searches, basic and advanced.

The site is here, if you'd like to see for yourself the behavior I'm describing:

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Rebecca Bailey

Monday 28 March 2005 2:54:16 pm

[deleted content from issues resolved/addressed in related posting]