Forums / General / URL Translation problems
Francesc Febrer
Monday 16 February 2004 9:33:08 am
I have my site configurated at, but I want when it is accessed at then shows me "blog". I attepmt do this with URL Translator function, but does'nt function.
And I want that bad URLs redirected to / (by default the system redirect the bad URls to admin's login page).
Help me!!!
Tuesday 17 February 2004 1:10:18 pm
Any ideas?
Balazs Halasy
Wednesday 18 February 2004 3:55:28 am
If you want the blog to pop up on just index.php instead of index.php/blog: set the default siteaccess to blog in the site.ini.append file in settings/override.
PS: With a bit of apache skillz, you can also make "index.php" disappear from the URL. I don't remember the exact syntax right now; just search the forums...
Wednesday 18 February 2004 7:44:02 am
Wich parameter have I to modify in site.ini? Siteaccess parameters?
I modified siteaccess parameters to; [SiteSettings] LoginPage=embeded SiteName=Nel MartÃ
but no functiom. If I type then shows me the admin's login page.
Please, help me. Thanks.
Thursday 19 February 2004 4:16:51 am
File: one of the overrides for site.ini (site.ini.append or site.ini.append.php in the /settings/override dir or the /settings/siteaccess/[whatever]/ dir)
PS: Make sure that the setting is inside the SiteSettings block and that it is set to the siteaccess that you wish to use as the deafult access).
Thursday 19 February 2004 8:00:48 am
but in my case, wich parameter have I to enter in (DefaultAccess) parameter? URL ( Site (=blog)?Path (/index.php/blog or /blog)?
Please, help me.... Thanks. I attempt all this cases but no function.
James Packham
Friday 20 February 2004 5:09:31 am
just "blog" no need for index.php or /
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