Forums / General / Varnish + ESI, looking for feedback

Varnish + ESI, looking for feedback

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Pablo Pernot

Saturday 02 January 2010 2:51:36 am

Hello all,

I wonder who implements Varnish + ESI support on real life websites and have a feedback about it, especially a focus on : integration versus maintenability, cost/time to integrate ESI.

I read this blog post : (in french) It's an interesting starting point between Squid ICP / Varnish ESI.


Happy New Year

See you in Switzerland (I hope).


Pablo Pernot

Charles Christian Croix

Wednesday 06 January 2010 2:17:32 am

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Thank for the link to my blog.


About Squid vs Varnish I think is a wrong way to compare both like that because each of them is the solution for a issue .


Quickly this is my point of view.


If you need a strong reverse proxy architecture with a high capacity, for many différent web sites or service, provided by different technology or cms you dont have a choice: you must use ICP for reduce the number of request to you php servers.


If you need a strong reverse proxy architecture with a high capacity, for one web site provided by different technology or back office : you dont have a choice: you must use ESI for compose the page directly on the last stage; the revers proxy servers


If you need a strong reverse proxy architecture with a high capacity, for one web site provided with a very high audience: you dont have a choice: you must use ESI for build the site on the static stage: reverse proxy .

  • Varnish provide the ESI
  • Squid 2.7 provide the ICP
  • Squid 3 provide ICP and the ESI

You can imagine different solution:

  1. Use only one of them
  2. Use a stage of many squid, they exchanging their cache by ICP. front of of many single varnish server who compose the web page by ESI
  3. Use directly a stage of Squid 3.x servers

In my experience with eZ publish I was using a stage of many squid revers proxy v2.7 linked by ICP for the cache exchange. Behind them I had differentes php farm who provide different eZ publish web site.

My 2ct

Charles Christian Croix

Wednesday 06 January 2010 4:03:57 am

And you have also Traffic Server. Formerly a commercial product (created by Inktomi, later acquired by Yahoo!)" the reverse proxy solution from Yahoo and now a open source project hosted by the Apache Fondation. Traffic Server supports ICP (Internet Cache Protocol) peering

  • Bloged in french :
  • Traffic server project page :

My 0,5ct more

Pablo Pernot

Wednesday 06 January 2010 5:11:54 am

Thanks for your feedback, we're obviously in the one web site with high capacity context, so Varnish appears to be the solution, all the more with the eZSI extension. Any caveats about ESI and eZ ?

Merci pour tes retours


Pablo Pernot