Saturday 14 February 2004 10:25:01 am
Hi, Yes I did the import in the correct order: folders, images, articles
Old article:
New article:
Click the edit button and the url becomes:
The object tag is in the article: <object id="5701" size="medium" align="right" /> But nothing is listed in the right "related objects" box Perhaps the problem is the article object ID which seems to change from 10753 to 10232 when I click edit? In ezcontentobject_link table I have the following:
select * from ezcontentobject_link where to_contentobject_id=5701
| id | from_contentobject_id | from_contentobject_version | to_contentobject_id |
| 1770 | 10232 | 1 | 5701 | +------+-----------------------+----------------------------+---------------------+ also from ezcontentobject:
select * from ezcontentobject where id=10753; Empty set (0.00 sec)
select * from ezcontentobject where id=10232;
| id | owner_id | section_id | contentclass_id | name | current_version | is_published | published | modified | status | remote_id |
| 10232 | 46 | 0 | 2 | Dr. Robert D. Ballard, Deep Sea Explorer of Titanic, to Present Schooler Lecture | 1 | 0 | 1074117591 | 1074117591 | 0 | article_article_4280 | +-------+----------+------------+-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------+------------+------------+--------+----------------------+ New images work great and the imported images don't appear in the articles in the admin section or the user site. the imported images are viewable by going to the images folder in the administration system.
Thanks for your help, Ken Colwell