Forums / Install & configuration / 3.2 Install goes ok but then prblems with db
Douglas Hammond
Wednesday 17 September 2003 1:08:06 pm
I installed 3.2-1. The install all goes well.Then when trying to go to the admin page i get a database conneciton problem.
I manual setup site.ini
db connects now but in the admin it looks like no objects are found because the Frontpage has a object not found error.
Please help.
Paul McCann
Wednesday 17 September 2003 3:09:53 pm
I had the same or at least a very similar problem, and I posted the problem already you can see the thread here
One of the mods has replied with a possible solution, which i am going to try out, maybe we can keep it one thread :)
Kai Duebbert
Wednesday 17 September 2003 8:30:56 pm
Have a look at the bug I reported. The solution there might solve your problem too (if Postgresql, otherwise try the similiar procedure with MySQL).
Bug is here:
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs