Forums / Install & configuration / 3.4.4 caching strangeness after upgrade
Conor Murray
Wednesday 22 December 2004 7:38:31 am
I've just upgraded a site from 3.3.2 to 3.4.4 and the cache doesn't want to refresh when I add or modify content to the site. If I clear the cache from the admin pages then the new content will appear, but otherwise the old view of the site is still presented on the front end of the site.
A possible clue is that eZ doesn't seem to be reading the site.ini.append in the relevant siteaccess fully... it's pulling out the settings in the [SiteSettings] section for example, but if I put a [DebugSettings] section in and enable debugging by IP then nothing happens, even if I clear all caches. Yet if I put an identical section in the main site.ini.append.php in the override directory then that is obeyed.
Anyone seen this before? It's proving to be a bit of a head-scratcher!
Language is a virus - William S Burroughs
Mark Marsiglio
Wednesday 22 December 2004 8:21:51 am
Just to make sure, check that there are not settings in the override/site.ini.append.php which would override the siteacecss/site/site.ini.append.php settings. Any settings in the override version (such as DebugOutput=Disabled would override your local site settings).
I also experienced this same caching behavior change when upgrading from 3.2.4 to 3.4.4. However, I have not found a solution yet (have not looked too hard). I suspect it is a new cache setting somewhere, but my development environment is down and I cannot test the new settings on my live site.
Hopefully someone else has an idea... Turning Ideas Into Strategic Solutions
Paul Borgermans
Wednesday 22 December 2004 8:40:04 am
Also check your var directory settings in site.ini[FileSettings]
VarDir= .... Cache =
They should be the same for the admin and normal siteaccess.
This happened to me quite a while ago with a production site that started its life from 3.0-pre :-(
eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training
Marco Zinn
Wednesday 22 December 2004 11:23:43 am
Hm, there seems to be some issue here. I experienced some content-view caching problems. Today, we had the same issue on the admin site.
Hans Melis
Wednesday 22 December 2004 12:01:37 pm
I think the cache problems are related to a mistake in the newer 3.4 releases. They introduced the smart content viewcache system, which should be disabled by default to keep existing systems working.
But due to a mistake, the system is <b>enabled</b> by default. Create an override for viewcache.ini in the general override directory. Enter this in the file:
[ViewCacheSettings] SmartCacheClear=disabled
Then check again to see if that solved the problem.
Thursday 23 December 2004 3:41:30 am
Thanks for the suggestions... I've checked my var and cache settings and both are coming from the main site.ini (there are no overrides in siteaccess or override) so these should be the same for both the admin and user sites.
I also tried adding the viewcachesettings setting that was suggested, but that doesn't seem to fix the problem either. I cleared the cache using the --clear-all command, in case anything was not being cleared via the admin controls.
We're winding down here for Xmas now, but hopefully I'll get another look at it in a few days time. If I find a solution I'll post it here.
Have a great holiday all :)
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