Forums / Install & configuration / 3.5: Meaning of set up of "User path"

3.5: Meaning of set up of "User path"

Author Message

Matthias Becker

Sunday 02 January 2005 9:16:27 am

Hello all!

User path (let's call it "plain") and Admin path ("plain_admin") are used to access the admin and user sections of the site - that's understood.
Interestingly when entering my website ( as an anonymous/guest (not logged in user) and klicking on the links in it the URL gets attached by
/plain/ for instance. So as an example when I click (again as a not logged in user!) on the forum link the URL reads When I type manually into the browser adress line the server forwards me into
the forum-area as well.

What I need is:

for anonymous/guest:

for logged in-users:

and for admins:

Hopefully I've explained my lack of understanding good enough ;-)

(One minor thing I would like to change is the missing ending slash:
Now the URL reads:
and not (as prefered)
Can anyone help me with this as well?)

Thanks and best regards


Matthias Becker

Thursday 06 January 2005 9:47:59 am

Hello everybody!

I'm still working on this issue, but unfortunately I can't find the problem.

From what I understand, this is handled in the site.ini (in the settings-folder: "override" and "siteaccess").


but when I deleted one or even both it brings Kernel error 20 and jumps to the admin login page.

I need to get rid of the part /plain/ for not-logged in-users (say anonymous), but the URL still reads :-(

Please help

Thanks and best regards from Munich


Jan Borsodi

Friday 07 January 2005 12:22:17 am

eZ publish cannot handle this.
You will have to use the same <i>plain</i> prefix for both the logged-in and anonymous users.

Is there a special reason why you want to do it like this?



Matthias Becker

Sunday 09 January 2005 12:37:39 pm

Thanks for your info! How did you manage it on the ez-Publish-Website then? When you click on "Company", "ezPublish", etc. the path read "" or "" without a "plain" in the middle. Did you manage this through the Webserver?

This really looks "nicer"

Thanks and kind regards


Balazs Halasy

Monday 10 January 2005 12:10:20 am


This is because is configured to determine which siteaccess to use based on the hostname instead of the URL. There are 3 ways to determine which siteaccess that should be used: host, url, port. If you use host, you can map "" to your public siteaccess and "" to your admin siteaccess and thus the first part of the URL-path will disappear ('cause eZ publish will look at the hostname instead). Please have a look in the default site.ini file for more information about setting this up (look for "SiteAccessSettings").
