Forums / Install & configuration / "403 Forbidden" error after installation

"403 Forbidden" error after installation

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Lech Jonczyk

Wednesday 18 January 2006 6:23:12 am

I installed ez publish and it works fine when I enter full url:

But when I simply enter:

I get "403 Forbidden" error.

What's wrong?

Lech Jonczyk

Wednesday 18 January 2006 7:42:02 am

I figured it out.

This hint in .htaccess helped me a bit :-)

# If you see "Forbidden" when trying to access root page of your site
# without 'index.php' appended, uncomment the following "Files" section.
# NOTE: replace "ezpublish-3.6.0" with base name of the directory
# where your eZ publish intallation resides.
# e.g. base name of "/sites/ezpublish/ezpublish-3.6.0" is "ezpublish-3.6.0".

#<Files "ezpublish-3.6.0">
#   order allow,deny
#   allow from all

Allan Dean

Thursday 09 February 2006 9:17:52 am

I have slightly different problem,

When I copied the file to .htaccess I was not able to access the directory or pages in it.

Trying to access the root page without the index.php appended I got a screen about Apache.

When I do append the index.php I got a forbidden access error.

I wonder if the installation must be in a directory other than root. But I see no documentation that says that.

Even so, following the instructions:

# If you see "Forbidden" when trying to access root page of your site
# without 'index.php' appended, uncomment the following "Files" section.
# NOTE: replace "ezpublish-3.6.0" with base name of the directory
# where your eZ publish intallation resides.
# e.g. base name of "/sites/ezpublish/ezpublish-3.6.0" is "ezpublish-3.6.0".

I uncommented the lines and changed it to the base name "htdocs"

<Files "htdocs">
order allow,deny
allow from all

Still it does not work.

without index.php I get the apache screen, with index.php I get a "403 forbidden" error

Allan Dean

Thursday 09 February 2006 10:21:32 am

An afterthought.

eZ Publish 3.6.5
Linux Fedora (Redhat Fedora) Core 3
Apache is 2.0.52
mysql is 3.23.58
php 4.3.11

During installation at the system check I ignored two error messages:

1. allow_url_fopen ini setting is disabled

2. AcceptPathInfo disabled or running in CGI mode

(the webmaster on the shared host said he enabled AcceptPathInfo in the Apache config file, but I still got the warning during installation.)

Also during installation,
During installation I was prompted to chmod some folders in the 'settings' subdirectory. That was done with no trouble.

All the php files in my root directory, including index.php all have 644 permission settings.

Allan Dean

Thursday 09 February 2006 11:37:17 am

I wonder if the problem is with the version of php I am using?

I am using 4.3.11

It looks like ezp 3.6.5 requires PHP 4 version 4.3.4 - 4.4

Would this be the issue?