Forums / Install & configuration / 500 Internal Error - after EZ 3 installation on Win XP with Apache!

500 Internal Error - after EZ 3 installation on Win XP with Apache!

Author Message

Fernando Ferreira

Tuesday 06 May 2003 5:17:55 am

Hi all,

I got a 500 Internal Error after EZ 3 installation. I do all things related on Help Installation document. Thats ok, all is instlade with sucess, but im tried to access the Admin and all pages in EZ path and i got this 500 error. My all PHP scripts is running well here. I have instaled in my computer:

Windows XP Professional SO
Apache 1.3.26 for Windows
PHP 4.2.3
MySQL 3.23.46

all my PHP Scripts and systems is running, but EZ no >:(!


Fernando Ferreira

Karsten Jennissen

Tuesday 06 May 2003 5:42:07 am

Can you try setting the memory limit for PHP up?


Fernando Ferreira

Tuesday 06 May 2003 8:24:41 am


I changed the setting in my php.ini file but thats still not working, i got the 500 error again. >:((! How can i solve?


Fernando Ferreira

Karsten Jennissen

Tuesday 06 May 2003 8:30:37 am

Are you running PHP as CGI? I searched for "500" on the site and others got that error when running PHP as CGI. If you can, run it as a module.


Marco Zinn

Tuesday 06 May 2003 1:04:21 pm

Could be a timeout problem (Apache/PHP needs to long to process the page).
Use PHP as an Apache module, if you can (will be faster) or try to increase the max. execution time for php scripts.


Fernando Ferreira

Tuesday 06 May 2003 5:28:43 pm


Yep im running PHP with CGI Executable mode, how can i run it in phpmod_apache on Windows XP? How can i enable this option?


Fernando Ferreira

Adolfo Barragán

Wednesday 07 May 2003 4:38:38 am

Look at <apacheroot>/logs/error.log for cause of error. I had same error and the problem was in .htaccess directives.

Adolfo Barragán

Fernando Ferreira

Wednesday 07 May 2003 5:32:13 am

I found some errors in my Apache error.log file, like:

Premature end of script headers: e:/php/php.exe
File does not exist: e:/apache_group/apache/htdocs/ez_publish
File does not exist: e:/apache_group/apache/htdocs/ezpublish/design/admin/stylesheets/debug.css

One time i receive this error:
FATAL: erealloc(): Unable to allocate 1634623366 bytes


Fernando Ferreira

Marco Zinn

Thursday 08 May 2003 11:42:42 am


you can download a PHP binary for Win32 on This will give you some documentation on how to install php as an apache module.


Gustavo Fagiano

Friday 09 May 2003 9:28:00 pm


Follow this:

Is in spanish, but easy ;-)
