Forums / Install & configuration / absolute path for design?

absolute path for design?

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andreas moxnes

Tuesday 20 May 2003 5:22:19 am

i'm trying to set up a multisite ez installation.
all is well, but i'd like to set up the "design" paths
for the different sites in the users' own directories.
ala, in site.ini.append:


with this setup, each user can edit their own templates,
etc, without access to the ez-installation.
however, the above example didn't work.
are there any workarounds?

Jo Henrik Endrerud

Tuesday 20 May 2003 9:59:16 am

The only way is to do this by symbolic links (this is only possible on Linux and other Unix systems)

If your eZ publish directory is in /home/www/ezpublish you set the SiteDesign variable to something (lets use 'jhe' in this example, change with whatever you like)
Make sure you don't have any directories called 'jhe' in your design directory and type:
ln -s /home/to/user/design/demo /home/www/ezpublish/design/jhe

This will make acting as a link to /home/user...

Jo Henrik Endrerud | System Developer @ Seeds Consulting |