Forums / Install & configuration / Access Denied for user @localhost
Commando Rambo
Monday 19 January 2004 6:38:48 pm
Have just reinstalled ezPublish 3.2 as i made a mistake in the tutorial provided. Installation completed by ignoring a couple of errors which came up about not being able to edit some dlls. Install completed, but when I try to log into the admin_page with the username admin and pwd publish it doesn't recognise it. I then went into mysql and asked it to show me the databases and tables i had. when i tried to access the table plain, it says "access denied for user @localhost. Any idea's on why this is happening? NOTE: was working the first time I installed, but error started appearing after an uninstall and reinstall.
James Packham
Tuesday 20 January 2004 1:57:26 am
The "user @localhost" bit suggests you didn't enter a username when you ran mysql. You want to enter something like:
mysql -u root -p
This will prompt you for your database password.
Once you're in you should be able to show your databases etc.
Next seeing as its a fresh install and you've nothing to lose in your database, you may as well just restore the cleandata:
mysql -u root -p[database-password] plain < [path-to-ezpublish]/kernel/sql/mysql/cleandata.sql
Should do it and restore 'publish' as your admin password.
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