Forums / Install & configuration / admin password doesnt work

admin password doesnt work

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Craig McKenna

Monday 17 January 2005 9:39:48 pm

<i>Please Help</i>
I have completed (at least) ten clean installs of 3.5 on my local server. Each time I have completely deleted all of the ez publish files and started from scratch.

The admin password I enter during installation never works.

What should I do?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

(win-xp; apache2; mysql; php-4.3.10)

Łukasz Serwatka

Tuesday 18 January 2005 12:28:25 am


Maybe you have enabled Caps Lock? ;-)

If no, try this after installation

1. drop your tables
2. create table structure from kernel/sql/mysql/kernel_schema.sql
3. load data from kernel/sql/mysql/kernel_schema.sql
4. clear the cache (delete folders var/cache and var/(prefix)/cache)


UPDATE ezuser SET password_hash = 'c78e3b0f3d9244ed8c6d1c29464bdff9' WHERE password_hash = 'your_old_password_hash';

You can find your_old_password_hash for admin user in ezuser table.

Then use "publish" as password.

I hope this help

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Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Craig McKenna

Wednesday 19 January 2005 8:59:33 pm

None of these options work either.

It seems to me that the session is cut short during the login re-direct or something.

(I don't get a login error message, just a new blank login page.)

Any suggestions?


Craig McKenna

Thursday 20 January 2005 5:41:45 pm

Does anyone here have an installation of ez 3.5 on on a system the same as mine?

If so, can you post your php.ini?

Thank you!

Craig McKenna

Monday 24 January 2005 9:52:33 pm

I fixed the problem!

Just in case anyone else on this forum would like to fix the same problem go here: and download the latest version of mambo instead.

<b>Thanks for all of your generous help everyone!</b>

Łukasz Serwatka

Monday 24 January 2005 11:43:50 pm


This was not very kind. Did you think why you didn`t get answer? Maybe somtehing wrong is with your post?

Good luck with Mambo ...

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Craig McKenna

Tuesday 25 January 2005 6:05:03 am

What's wrong with my post?

Craig McKenna

Wednesday 26 January 2005 5:06:09 pm

What's wrong with my post?

Craig McKenna

Thursday 27 January 2005 10:52:52 am

You are right Lukasz this was not very nice of me. I am a little frustrated after receiving no help from anyone. If there is no known solution to my problem please just let me know.

Yes Mambo works on my system but I would really like to try eZ. It just seems that no one is willing to help with my problems.

I have also tried eZ 3.4 and I still experience the same problems.
Also, in my tmp directory exist 2 cookies but one cookie contains no data.
This is why I suspect problems with sessions.

I will try one more time to get an answer to my questions.

Is there a solution for this?

Sorry for being unreasonable earlier.

Thanks for any help.

Frederik Holljen

Thursday 27 January 2005 11:56:11 am

If I knew the answer to your problem I would be glad to help. However, your problem is very strange and I've never seen anything like it before.
From the setup data I gather that you are seting eZ publish up manually. Could you try to use the windows installer instead and see if you have the same problems?

Tomas K

Thursday 27 January 2005 1:00:33 pm

I have the same problem. I installed win bundled version on W2kSP4,mySql. I used installer, only I changed the encodind of my database to iso8859-2 instead of w1250, but it should not have differ.
Then I can log on as a user, no problem. But not on admin page (template corporate). Under IE it is just refresh the screen and blank field user and psswd. Under Mozilla, refresh and user and psswd remain in fields.
I tried to update the password as recommended in a post above, no success.
If I mistape wrong password, it is not the case - there is a warning about bad password.
So where could be the problem?
Thanks for any hint

Craig McKenna

Thursday 27 January 2005 3:17:41 pm

Thanks for the quick response Frederik.

I just tried the installation using the windows installer and I am still having the same problem.

Another interesting point is that the same happened when I attempted to install Limbo .

Frederik Holljen

Friday 28 January 2005 1:57:47 am

strange indeed.. I'll talk to the other guys here.. maybe someone knows. I'm out of ideas though. Sorry.

Tomas K

Thursday 03 February 2005 3:06:26 pm

Still no idea?
I fight with it but no success.
I have suspision that it could be related to the old problem, see:

Can anyone experienced evaluate it?
Difference is that I run ez on my home PC under W2k, bundled edition...

Craig McKenna

Friday 04 February 2005 10:22:09 pm

<b>HEY! It Works ;)</b>

The problem had nothing at all to do with eZpublish, but rather with my fire-wall (Zone Alarm). I shut it down and it works great now. Forgive me.

Love the tableless layout!

Tomas K

Saturday 05 February 2005 8:12:12 am

Yes, U R right! Never ever I imagined it is related to Zone Alarm, I use it too.
Thanks Craig

Łukasz Serwatka

Saturday 05 February 2005 1:28:48 pm

Hi Craig,

It`s good to see that you solved your problem. Now you can realy start your adventure with eZ publish CMS. Good luck and enjoy the web ;-)

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Aladdin Mouhaimeed

Monday 07 February 2005 4:54:28 am

I have the same problem :)

James Lynch

Saturday 23 July 2005 10:01:23 pm

I had the same problem while checking my progress in installing/migrating between 3.6 & 3.7.

Somewhere the install system does indeed use "publish" as default admin password!

<b>My fresh install had these defaults (via phpmyadmin):</b>

contentobject_id = 14
email =
login = admin
password_hash = c78e3b0f3d9244ed8c6d1c29464bdff9
password_hash_type = 2

<b>An inspection turned up this related info:</b>

<b>File:</b> kernel/sql/mysql/cleandata.sql
<b>Line#:</b> 80
<b>SQL Query:</b> INSERT INTO ezuser (contentobject_id, email, login, password_hash, password_hash_type) VALUES (10,'','anonymous','4e6f6184135228ccd45f8233d72a0363',2), (14,'','admin','c78e3b0f3d9244ed8c6d1c29464bdff9',2);

<b>File:</b> kernel/sql/common/cleandata.sql
<b>Line#:</b> 912
<b>SQL Query:</b> INSERT INTO ezuser (contentobject_id, email, login, password_hash, password_hash_type) VALUES (14,'','admin','c78e3b0f3d9244ed8c6d1c29464bdff9',2);

<b>File:</b> kernel/sql/postgresql/cleandata.sql
<b>Line#:</b> 1015
<b>SQL Query:</b> INSERT INTO ezuser (contentobject_id, email, login, password_hash, password_hash_type) VALUES (14,'','admin','c78e3b0f3d9244ed8c6d1c29464bdff9',2);

If one wished to go further and manually generate their own hashed key have fun. Anyone remember what /etc/shadow uses? Memory fails me. :(

Edit: I think PHP has a function for this, including "salt" and whatnot.

Luc Chase

Sunday 24 July 2005 11:46:57 am

after you attempt to login, there is no error, correct? You just presented with the same login screen?
If so, try to go directly to a page within the system and report back any error. e.g. try to go to
Does it seem that your are in fact logged in?

The Web Application Service Provider

eZ debug

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