Saturday 23 July 2005 10:01:23 pm
I had the same problem while checking my progress in installing/migrating between 3.6 & 3.7. Somewhere the install system does indeed use "publish" as default admin password! <b>My fresh install had these defaults (via phpmyadmin):</b>
contentobject_id = 14
email =
login = admin
password_hash = c78e3b0f3d9244ed8c6d1c29464bdff9 password_hash_type = 2 <b>An inspection turned up this related info:</b>
<b>File:</b> kernel/sql/mysql/cleandata.sql
<b>Line#:</b> 80 <b>SQL Query:</b> INSERT INTO ezuser (contentobject_id, email, login, password_hash, password_hash_type) VALUES (10,'','anonymous','4e6f6184135228ccd45f8233d72a0363',2), (14,'','admin','c78e3b0f3d9244ed8c6d1c29464bdff9',2);
<b>File:</b> kernel/sql/common/cleandata.sql
<b>Line#:</b> 912 <b>SQL Query:</b> INSERT INTO ezuser (contentobject_id, email, login, password_hash, password_hash_type) VALUES (14,'','admin','c78e3b0f3d9244ed8c6d1c29464bdff9',2);
<b>File:</b> kernel/sql/postgresql/cleandata.sql
<b>Line#:</b> 1015 <b>SQL Query:</b> INSERT INTO ezuser (contentobject_id, email, login, password_hash, password_hash_type) VALUES (14,'','admin','c78e3b0f3d9244ed8c6d1c29464bdff9',2); If one wished to go further and manually generate their own hashed key have fun. Anyone remember what /etc/shadow uses? Memory fails me. :( Edit: I think PHP has a function for this, including "salt" and whatnot.