Forums / Install & configuration / broken admin menu

broken admin menu

Author Message

James Ward

Friday 20 October 2006 12:30:26 pm

Hi All,
A site I am currently working on has lost the javascript content menu in the admin.

The menu still appears and is populated but all the nice javascript features are gone. No plus or minus signs next to the folders anymore.

The javascript console in firefox is giving me the following errors:

Error: XML tag name mismatch
Source File:
Line: 12, Column: 3
Source Code:
Error: XML tag name mismatch
Source File:
Line: 12, Column: 3
Source Code:
Error: XML tag name mismatch
Source File:
Line: 12, Column: 3
Source Code:
Error: ezjslib_preloadImageList is not defined
Source File:
Line: 264
Error: ezcst_setFoldUnfoldIcons is not defined
Source File:
Line: 4823

I do not beleive that I edited any of the admin template files but perhaps a mistake in an ini file is causing an accidental override. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

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