Thursday 18 September 2003 3:45:25 pm
I think I have sort of the same problem here. I have Windows XP running the latest install packeage for Ez Publiz 3.2 (first release). I started with editing the page_layout, changes to that seemed to migrate quickly to the site, moved on to change parts of it, like left_menu.tpl.. Then my changes took ages to be migrated to the site. Basically it took so long time that it is not feasible to develop in that enviroment. Might this be due to that I am using the Win installer including (Apache, Php and Mysql)? Could it work better if manually installing all parts and then installing Ez code? Could rewritting the clear cache sh script (in the Ez bin folder) to an Windows batch file solve it, then run that after changes? Primarily my question is if it is possible to develop on Windows? Or should I use Linux (Unfortunately my job provided me with a new computer which Linux Red Hat 9.0 does no support:(can't find SATA harddisk). What should be my options here? Hope someone can give me some advice, primarily on the feasiblity of developing on Windows (then release on a Linux server of course :). Cheers By the way thanks for a good product, however the manuall really needs some work. Biggest drawback of Ez is the lack of documentation and community tutorials I think, anyone have any good links ?