Forums / Install & configuration / can I create two ldap LoginHandler ?

can I create two ldap LoginHandler ?

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akiuni sanka

Thursday 20 May 2010 12:05:19 am


I need to authentify my users from 2 different Active Directory domains (=> 2 LDAP servers with different configuration inside). Does somebody has already done this ? If not, how can I do that ? I haven't found any post...

I was wondering if I could copy the ldap.ini to ldap2.ini, and then create a ldap2.ini.append.php where I configure the second domain configuration. Lastly, I could add a loginHandler in the site.ini.append.php. This would become :


Can you tell me if this could work ? if not, have you an idea on how to build my 2 domains authentication ?

thanks in advance....


Bertrand Dunogier

Thursday 20 May 2010 1:23:59 am

Well, technically, you can chain multiple login handlers. This is what is usually done with LDAP, actually: first standard, so that the local user can be tried first, then LDAP as a fallback.

So if you have 2 different LDAP login handlers, the second one will be used if the first one fails, as simple as that.

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

akiuni sanka

Thursday 20 May 2010 4:14:21 am

thanks for your answer Bertrand, do you think that the "ldap2" trick will work ?

I just fear that ezpublish won't accept it...

akiuni sanka

Thursday 20 May 2010 4:32:28 am

ok, I had a look to the sources files and I think that I have found my answer. The "ldap.ini" file is hardcoded in the following file :

./kernel/classes/datatypes/ezuser/ezldapuser.php :

$LDAPIni = eZINI::instance( 'ldap.ini' );

so I guess that ezpublish won't accept my ldap2 without creating a new type of users... ezldap2user for exemple.

