Forums / Install & configuration / cant add image after upgrade

cant add image after upgrade

Author Message

Erland Flaten

Tuesday 11 August 2009 6:39:15 am

I have upgradede from 4.03 to 4.1.3 with webin and OE and have some errors.

I am using webin and the image in the header/ logo area cant be changed anymore. I open Template Look in admin interface and selects a new image. This image get an URL that doesnt exist. The folder the image should be is not there.

this is empty folder and filename that are created.

I have added images on articles and this works fine.

In debug I have seen something that imagehandler coldent create alias for the above URL, but I cant recreate it. Tried empty the caches, but no more of that error.


Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway

marco blank

Sunday 23 August 2009 6:43:56 am

I've tried many times to download the new flash.Nothing has worked. After the "successful download" video plays, and I restart, the same message always comes up, that I need flash in order to view this <b></b> .It should be noted that the website was working properly (as i've visited their forums) and that the issue seems to be with my computer and my flash download.Help, please!