Tuesday 26 February 2008 1:40:02 am
<i>I'm curious what the effect is if the server does use https. Is it only an issue if the session goes from http to https? Would there still be a problem if the entire session used https?</i> The main problem with https is where does the encrypted session end.
If the load balancer terminates the https session, forwarding http to the webserver pool then you have some nifty advantages:
- you install the ssl certs on the lb only
- the webservers are relieved of the ssl ciperhing load (lb will do it in hw if you buy add on cards so it is much more efficient) - since the lb can look at the decrypted request, it can apply session affinity/stickiness if he wants to
If the load balancer does not terminate the https, I am not 100% sure, but what should happen is that either
a) once the ssl session is initiated, it will stick to the same real webserver, since ssl operates at a level just below tcp/http headers. So it should work, but you will not be spreading the load across your server pool. Also, in case that particular webserver goes down, the client will have to hit "refresh" to initiate a new ssl session to a different one
or b) the different https requests of a user session end up on different web real servers. Every time a new SSL handshake takes place, since the SSL sesssion ID from server A will not be good for server B etc, and your webservers are under very high load (and pages seen by end user slower) In any case you should definitely set keepalives on for https
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