Sunday 26 July 2009 9:09:35 pm
Hello, We have a question on ezPublish clustering mode. From the research we have found that , ez allows clustering by storing the cache files inside the database and have a reverse proxy setup in apache for image files. In our scenario this would not scale because we are dealing with huge amount of static files (not only images). So storing everything at the DB level is out of question. Our scenario is that we have 2 webservers of Apache for ez installation and configuration. Please find our approach below. 1) Install a file server. 2) Have a file system mount from the file server to both the web servers. 3) Have the install of apache on both the webservers but point the docroot to the mounted file system. 4) In this way, the cache, storage and other directories would be shared across both the webservers. 5) The instances of ezPublish on both the webservers would point to the same DB. Is this a good approach when we are dealing with large number of files? I have heard that NFS mount and PHP does not go well together and ez Publish versions before 4.1 faced a lot of issues due to this. Is this resolved in ezPublish 4.1.x? Can we have this approach. Please validate and provide your thoughts.