Forums / Install & configuration / Content structure

Content structure

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Hakum H

Sunday 20 November 2005 8:05:53 am

Please help me in this problem:
I have installed EZ 3.7.2 after that I changed the database with the one I had from EZ 3.4.1 after making the necessary updating. Everything is working well except in admin interface the content structure sub trees are not displayed and in the bottom of the page where is <b>Sub items</b>
is telling me: <i>The <Folder> class is not configured to contain any sub items.</i>

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Monday 21 November 2005 12:08:08 am

Hi Hakum,

Are you sure that you have run all update scripts?

You will have to run from eZ publish directory command:

$ php update/common/scripts/updateiscontainer.php -s siteaccess_name

This script will update common classes like folder.

For custom classes you will have to set is_container flag manually. Go to Setup->Classes and re edit classes.

This is necessary when objects holds sub-items.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Hakum H

Monday 21 November 2005 1:11:41 am

<b>Thanks a lot Lukasz</b>
, updating the scripts was giving me error messages, put settings <b>is_container</b> flag manually was a good solution, now it&#8217;s working.