Forums / Install & configuration / Customising Blog Entry
Andrew Hill
Tuesday 08 March 2005 12:09:19 am
I would like to remove the "Tip a friend" and "Download PDF version of this page" links at the bottom of each weblog entry page.
Is this something that can be set in the .ini files, or do I need to edit the appropriate template file?
Łukasz Serwatka
Tuesday 08 March 2005 1:08:32 am
Hi Andrew,
You should edit article.tpl or weblog.tpl. You can find it in Design->Templates->full view.
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Tuesday 08 March 2005 2:20:38 pm
Hi Lukasz,
Sorry for what must be stupid questions, but:
1) I can only find a weblog.tpl listed as "/admin_preview/weblog.tpl" in the admin pages. Is this really the file I want to edit?
2) If not, how do I go about setting up a teplate override (I assume this is what I want to do?) for the display template?
Tuesday 08 March 2005 10:23:31 pm
Templates files that you need to edit you can find in: - Design->Templates - From "Most common templates" list choose /node/view/full.tpl - From dropdown list choose your Siteaccess name and click "Set" - Edit article_full- Apply changes
Friday 11 March 2005 4:59:40 am
Thanks for that info - it worked perfectly!
Is there a list somewhere that explains which templates are used for which pages?
Friday 11 March 2005 5:05:47 am
Andrew, here you can find some information about template overriding
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Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
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