Wednesday 24 January 2007 7:37:28 am
Hey ai could really use some help. We need to switch hosts for our ezpublish sites but the new one has MYsql 4.0.23 while the old one had Mysql 4.1.x We had originaly set up for unicode support so the database was set up using UTF-8 and our pages were output as UTF-8. The primary use was to be able to output trademark and copyright characters easily. I need to transition to MYSQL 4.0.23 while preserving these characters. Copyright has an ISO-8859 equivalent while trademark does not. These fields are stored as text lines in the Class, not XHTML. However we cna substirtute them with HTML entitites if need be. What I need to know is the following:
How to export a mysqldump from a UTF-8 database into latin-1.. What settings should I use in siteaccess.ini and i18.ini for in the following site.ini:
[DatabaseSettings] Charset=utf-8
[CharacterSettings] Charset=utf-8
[CharsetSettings] DefaultTemplateCharset=utf-8 Do i use "latin"1 or "iso-8859-1" ... the documentation is sparse on this.