Forums / Install & configuration / Different Admin for different siteaccess?

Different Admin for different siteaccess?

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Neeraj Poudyal

Monday 03 April 2006 1:35:24 am


Is it possible to have different admin sections for different sites (siteaccesses) hosted under single installation of eZ?


Bertrand Dunogier

Monday 03 April 2006 2:19:26 am

Sure. I need more infos for an accurate answer, but you can add as many copies / variations of the default admin siteaccess and use it for a specific site... it's just about roles & policies.

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Neeraj Poudyal

Monday 03 April 2006 4:24:01 am

Hi here's my problem.
I made a site site1 , site1_admim(working site) and site2, site2_admin(empty site).

When I open site2_admin it shows the contents of site1.
This should not happen, site2 content structure tab should only show the contents of site 2.
I don't understand why this is happenning.

If anyone has made multiple admins for each siteaccess could you please respond?


Pascal France

Monday 03 April 2006 10:17:44 am

Hi Neeraj,

Did you create a database for each site ?

I did a multisites doc, but it's a french doc. Maybe it can help you:



Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -

Bertrand Dunogier

Tuesday 04 April 2006 4:19:46 am

Pascal, very nice article ! Did you have it referenced on ? Even if it's in french, we're interested in every article written by community members !

Neeraj, eZ publish needs to know what to do with the different sites... a few settings allow you to say that admin X shows content starting from node X, while admin Y shows content starting from node Y.

But as Pascal says, it may be interesting to use different databases... so it depends on your exact goal. Why do you want multiple sites on one instance ? You don't want to install eZ publish several times ? Or the sites have to share pieces of content ? If that's the case, you can't use multiple databases.

We're back at the same point : give us more details on your goals ;)

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Pascal France

Tuesday 04 April 2006 9:00:52 am

Hi Bertrand,

No, I didn't anything to reference my articles on

I have anoter site which is only about ez publish

French users can find there some french translation of the official 3.6 technical doc.

This is my email @:

If you want to contact me, in french it will be easier.



Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -

Neeraj Poudyal

Wednesday 05 April 2006 12:46:59 am

Thanks for the reply.
I found the solution moments after I wrote about the problem, it was because of the database and its fixed now.

In the mean while I have another problem. I'm using hivelocity server, I want all the domain names to point to the same index.php . How do I do that since I don't think I have access to <virtualhost> of apache?

I can't read French but anyways thanks again.

Neeraj Poudyal

Wednesday 05 April 2006 12:51:11 am


I thought it would be better perfomance wise to install a single instance of ez publish.
You are ez crew and if someone had earlier pointed out that installing different versions of ez publish for different sites, I wouldn't have taken the trouble of learning so much about multiple sites. Thanks for your reply I think I might take your suggestion i.e. many ez publish for multiple sites.
