Forums / Install & configuration / Downgrade 4.3 to 4.2
Teddy Bear
Monday 20 September 2010 12:30:31 am
So there were circumstances that hosting only supports PHP 5.2. Must roll back to previous version with Ez Publish 4.3 to 4.2 where you can find information about this and it really viable?
André R.
Monday 20 September 2010 1:22:54 am
Are you saying they do not offer PHP 5.2, as in they only have 5.1.x?Or are they only offering 5.2.9 which none of our versions works on because of array_unique bug?
Cause all our versions should work fine with any 5.2 version other then 5.2.9.
Dowgrading should be simple, the table changes involved should be fine on 4.2 as well, so it should be enough to overwrite the files and update version in db with:
UPDATE ezsite_data SET value='4.2.0' WHERE name='ezpublish-version';
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE @:
Monday 20 September 2010 2:53:57 am
Describe in detail,please what where should i do