Forums / Install & configuration / Ez 3.2 and MySql or PostgresSql

Ez 3.2 and MySql or PostgresSql

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Tore Skobba

Tuesday 07 October 2003 9:03:03 am

Hi all

I am working on setting up an new site. Currently I have been working with an MySql database as a backend. But I am thinking about channing to PostGresSql as I think that the advanced functionality in PostGresSql would save me some coding work later on (referential integrity etc.). My question is therefore how stable is Ez on Postgres compared to Ez on MySql? Anyone has any experince with Ez 3.2 on PostGres database they would like to share? Important is eventual bugs, or other things which might lead me to have a longer development time!

Secondly why is the Ez Postgres SQL database not using foreign keys? I saw an earlier post asking the same question but with no responses.


Jeroen van Gorkum

Thursday 09 October 2003 5:02:54 am

> why is the Ez Postgres SQL database
> not using foreign keys?

probably because mysql doesn't support foreign keys. ezp uses database features that are common to both products.
