Forums / Install & configuration / ez cant connect to MySQL 4.1.7

ez cant connect to MySQL 4.1.7

Author Message

Erland Flaten

Tuesday 09 November 2004 12:51:45 pm

I have installed the new 3.5 beta on my Mac running the latest OS X and ez will not connect to the database. In the Terminal I can connect to my installed MySQL 4.1.7 and do some SQL commands. I provide the same password to EZ as I use when I connect to MySQL in terminal:

MacErland:/usr/local/mysql/bin eflaten$ ./mysql -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2 to server version: 4.1.7-standard

i am not very good in unix etc. but sometimes I can smell some fire. I have posted the problem on the good site and I have started a tread that sayes a new passwordformat in MySQL 4.1.7 cant be read by the MySQL frontend I use. Maybe this is why I cant connect the ez 3.5 to this base.

Here is this tread. Thanks..

Writer and webproducer in Lillehammer, Norway

Hans Melis

Tuesday 09 November 2004 1:37:44 pm


Please read my reply in this thread:

It's more than likely that the same information applies to you.

