Forums / Install & configuration / ez is too sow... simple query takes 4 sec.
Vytautas Germanavičius
Thursday 05 October 2006 10:28:06 pm
I wrote my extension for ez. It is very simple: rubn query select top 10 form table and fetch template to display results. i tested query on pgMyAdmin - it takes 0.08s. But when i run extension, it takes 4.4s !(according debug info)why???
{set-block scope=root variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}
Xavier Dutoit
Saturday 07 October 2006 8:00:20 am
Well, on the debug info, you have more explainations on where ez spends its time.
The template might be quite heavyweight...
Monday 09 October 2006 4:55:19 am
As i understand, this shows, that EZ does something 1.7 sec, before it starts my written module? Or initialization of module takes 1.7s?
Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed Memory Rel. Memory Module start 'conferences' 0.0000 sec 1.7699 sec 12,894.0547KB 6,769.3438KB Module end 'conferences' 1.7699 sec 0.7357 sec 19,663.3984KB 8,409.5156KB End 2.5055 sec 28,072.9141KB 0.0078KBTotal runtime: 3.2523 sec
Monday 09 October 2006 8:13:41 am
That's the kind of numbers you have the first time you run the script if you haven't cached/compiled the templates.
Once it's been ran one everything is cached and it should be near 0.
Check your setting otherwise.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs