Forums / Install & configuration / eZOE not visible in public siteaccess but in admin
Sebastian Schoeller
Monday 28 June 2010 11:16:30 pm
recently we upgraded from 4.0.0 to 4.3.0 (thank you for ezupgrade) and are now debugging the upgrade. One of the things we ran into is to me rather curious and I wonder if anybody has an idea about it.
So I figured
Can anybody point me into the right direction?
Best wishes
Fabrice Sabino
Wednesday 30 June 2010 1:20:00 pm
hi sebastian,
I think you just have to update ezwebin to 1.6 => ezwebin_extentsion did the job you need.
Follow this procedure from :
Hope that help you,
PS : where can I download and try this famous "ezupgrade" ??
Friday 02 July 2010 12:29:31 am
thanks for your reply.
The error had something to do with an ezwebin issue, but I had upgraded to ezwebin 1.6 indeed. It just had something to do with an override of the pagelayout.tpl. No wonder it did not work.
I had used ezupgrade from It did really work well, although I had to fix some issues by hand, which originated from a faulty old database like ezsession and ezurlalias. Once I had done that and upgraded to 4.0.7 the upgrade to 4.3.0 worked flawlessly.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs