Forums / Install & configuration / Fetching articles from subfolders

Fetching articles from subfolders

Author Message

Runar Ingebrigtsen

Wednesday 24 November 2004 3:30:25 am

I've got a news folder with several subfolders containing the actual articles. I'm trying to fetch the subfolders first, then the articles by doing a loop in a loop.

I've just started understanding the template language, so I'm not perfectly capable of understanding everything yet. Am I thinking imperfectly here or am I just not getting the correct strings?

{let subfolder=fetch( content,
		hash( 'parent_node_id', 80,
		class_filter_type, include,
		class_filter_array, array( 'folder' )
{* Loop through all subfolders that we just fetched. *}
{section name=Sub loop=$subfolder}
	{let children=fetch( content,
		hash( 'parent_node_id', $node.node_id,
			class_filter_type, include,
			class_filter_array, array( 'article' )
	{* Loop through all articles that we just fetched. *}
	{section name=Child loop=$children}
		{* Display a link to the article. *}
			<a href={$:item.url_alias|ezurl}>{$}</a>
	{* End of loop. *}

Runar Ingebrigtsen

Wednesday 24 November 2004 4:20:23 am

Solved. :)

{* Fetch all subfolders, each representing a news category *}
{let subfolders=fetch( content,
		hash( 'parent_node_id', 80,
		class_filter_type, include,
		class_filter_array, array( 'folder' )
{* For each subfolder, fetch the articles *}
{section loop=$subfolders}
{let articles=fetch( content,
		hash( 'parent_node_id', $:item.node_id,
		class_filter_type, include,
		class_filter_array, array( 'article' )
	{* For each article, display the name and the url to the article and the category *}
	{section loop=$articles}
		<a href={$:item.url_alias|ezurl}>{$}</a> - <a class="category" href={$:item.parent.url_alias|ezurl}>{$}

Martin Leblanc

Monday 20 December 2004 4:13:44 am

It helps if you indent the code correctly.... Then it's easy to see that a {/let} is missing.

Martin Leblanc

View this in Firefox:

Roy Bøhmer

Monday 20 December 2004 11:40:06 am

Agree with Martin, but fetching $node.node_id instead of $:item.node_id may caused more trouble than the missing /let ...
Personally I think it's easier to grasp the {section} when I use the var-attribute:

{section var=folder loop=$subfolders}
   Node-id of subfolder: {$folder.item.node_id}<br>

Especially when doing nested loops I find this easier. There might be som drawbacks due to the namespace-stuff, but in case you had missed the var-feature at least check it out!

Good luck!

eZ debug

Timing: Jan 18 2025 22:21:27
Script start
Timing: Jan 18 2025 22:21:27
Module start 'content'
Timing: Jan 18 2025 22:21:27
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Timing: Jan 18 2025 22:21:27
Script end

Main resources:

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Database Queries63

Timing points:

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Module start 'content' 0.00590.5614 768.6563586.9453
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Script end 0.5718  1,401.6875 

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator Duration (sec) Duration (%) Count Average (sec)
Ini load
Load cache0.00300.5293140.0002
Check MTime0.00130.2295140.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00060.097410.0006
Looping result0.00050.0896610.0000
Template Total0.546295.520.2731
Template load0.00210.362220.0010
Template processing0.544195.141820.2721
Template load and register function0.00010.026210.0001
Cache load0.00170.2995190.0001
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute can translate value0.00070.117930.0002
Fetch class attribute name0.00090.162350.0002
Image XML parsing0.00230.401530.0008
Instantiating content class attribute0.00000.005050.0000
String conversion0.00000.000930.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

Templates used to render the page:

UsageRequested templateTemplateTemplate loadedEditOverride
1node/view/full.tplfull/forum_topic.tplextension/sevenx/design/simple/override/templates/full/forum_topic.tplEdit templateOverride template
4content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl<No override>extension/community_design/design/suncana/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tplEdit templateOverride template
6content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tpl<No override>extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tplEdit templateOverride template
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1pagelayout.tpl<No override>extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/pagelayout.tplEdit templateOverride template
 Number of times templates used: 18
 Number of unique templates used: 7

Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs