Forums / Install & configuration / how to cleanly uninstall ez publish 3?
bruce cannon
Sunday 20 April 2003 2:02:15 pm
i installed ezpublish 3 rc1 on a win2k machine that already had apache, php, and mysql on it. i first attempted a manual installation, but out of frustration downloaded the installer and used that. apparently i missed the screen where i could decide what components to install and ended up accepting the defaults, which includes the aforementioned apps. then later, i wanted to upgrade mysql, and tried to do so, but screwed up the whole configuration of my dev environment, because the windows service name overlapped and ez publish apparently puts configuration info somewhere in the registry that affects any subsequent install of standalone mysql. i have a completely dysfunctional system and cannot get anything to run, unless i install ez publish again, which i plan NOT to do again, given the frustration i've had so far. i don't want ezpublish controlling the configuration of my other servers as they serve more than ez publish. i don't want them living under the ez publish directory. i want them to be independent of each other. any advice is *very* appreciated.
Ole Morten Halvorsen
Tuesday 22 April 2003 8:07:58 am
The installer puts nothing in the windows registry. Check the my.ini configuration file and update the paths for your new mysql installation.
Check which mysql server is installed as a service by going to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> Mysql and view properties for mysql. If the wrong mysql is installed, run the mysql executable as listed in the properties window with -remove as the first argument.
Example:c:\program files\ez systems\mysql\mysqld-nt.exe -remove
This will remove mysql as a service. Now you can install a other version of mysql if you want.
It is not however recommended to use the installer for more than just testing or use the installer if you already have apache/mysql installed
Senior Software Engineer - Vision with Technology eZ Certified Developer
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