Forums / Install & configuration / How to control rights of ezpublish directory?
Ulrich L.
Tuesday 09 November 2004 4:10:29 am
Hi,I'm still testing, and today I experienced the problem I can't delete files and/or directories from the current ezpublish directory via ssh. I'm running it on a shared host. My provider told me it's a rights issue and I should modify the php script which controls setup of ezpublish in order to get the rights myself (rights should be expanded to "others"). However, I don't know what exactly to do. Can anybody help?
Tuesday 09 November 2004 12:28:34 pm
I found out it's inly the file ezpublishpath/var/log/storage.log that cannot be removed from an installation like mine. Why? Can anybody give me any helpful explanations? Thanks!
Friday 12 November 2004 7:50:24 am
I really would like to find out how to set the rights of the ezpath/var/log/storage.log file. I can't change them myself on my shared host, so for example I can't delete it when erasing a ezpublish install completely. It is the only file which behaves like this. Is there a way to control this while setting up ezp at the very beginning?
Ćukasz Serwatka
Friday 12 November 2004 9:08:47 am
Becouse this file ezpath/var/log/storage.log was created by www user or nobody user or another user wich is using by http server. Try ls -la form shell and u see user and group of this file. Ask administrator for help. U can`t delete this file
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