Forums / Install & configuration / Image file cleanup
Sebastiaan van der Vliet
Tuesday 02 June 2009 5:48:44 am
It appears that the bin/php/flatten.php script to remove non-published versions of the object does not clean up the matching image files per removed object version. Is this a correct assumption, and if so, what function/script would be the best option to use to clean up the image files?
Certified eZ publish developer with over 9 years of eZ publish experience. Available for challenging eZ publish projects as a technical consultant, project manager, trouble shooter or strategic advisor.
Tuesday 02 June 2009 7:59:42 am
Hmm-what about this...
function deleteOldVersions( $eZObjectID ) { global $cli; $eZObject = eZContentObject::fetch( $eZObjectID ); $objectVersions = $eZObject->versions(); $objectVersionID = $eZObject->attribute( 'current_version' ); $cli->output(count($objectVersions)." versions"); foreach ( $objectVersions as $version ) { $versionID = $version->attribute('version'); if ($objectVersionID != $versionID) { $contentObjectAttributes = $version->contentObjectAttributes(); foreach ( $contentObjectAttributes as $contentObjectAttribute ) { $classAttribute = $contentObjectAttribute->contentClassAttribute(); $dataTypeString = $classAttribute->attribute( 'data_type_string' ); if ($dataTypeString == "ezimage") { eZImageAliasHandler::removeAllAliases( $contentObjectAttribute ); $cli->output("deleting image"); } } $db = eZDB::instance(); $db->begin(); $version->removeThis(); $cli->output("removing version ".$versionID); $db->commit(); } } $objectVersions = $eZObject->versions(); $cli->output(count($objectVersions)." versions remaining. Current version is ".$objectVersionID); }
Tuesday 02 June 2009 9:02:03 am
I would recommend creating a new issue in the issue tracker to add this functionality into the default ezpublish releases. This seems like something that should be available by default.
Brookins Consulting | Certified | Solutions | eZpedia community documentation project |
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
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