Forums / Install & configuration / Initial Admin login fails with admin/publish

Initial Admin login fails with admin/publish

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Lulio Vargas

Sunday 11 May 2008 12:02:16 pm

After successfully finishing the Installation Wizard for eZ publish 4.0.0, the public access works fine but the (ez documentation) suggested combination of user=admin, and password=publish doesn't work.

Is there any way to reset the Admin login parameters? Maybe there is some CLI or SQL fix with the MySQL database?

Please help. THANKS!

Abdelkader RHOUATI

Monday 12 May 2008 1:25:12 am


"fine but the (ez documentation) suggested combination of user=admin, and password=publish doesn't work. "

login and password for the admin user of ez, are defined during installation. the documentation suggests admin / publish, but are you sure that you have entered this information?

I have already installed several times ez 4.0.0, and I've never had this problem

thank you


Abdelkader RHOUATI

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Lulio Vargas

Monday 12 May 2008 5:42:30 am

Hello Abdel,

Maybe I'm missing something! Could you be more specific as to how the user/pwd parameters are defined. Is it done by the Setup Wizard or by the user itself in the installation process?

Thank you,


Maxime Thomas

Monday 12 May 2008 10:59:31 am


It's done by the user during the install process. It means that if you don't know what has been entered, you won't be able to login.

You can change the password directly in the ezuser table in your eZ database.

Maxime Thomas | |

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Lulio Vargas

Tuesday 13 May 2008 2:11:17 pm

Dear Maxime and Abdel,

I finally realized my mistake. I carelessly overlooked reading the "Help" sidebar, in the <b>Site Administrator</b> step of the Setup wizard.

I really appreciate your excellent help. Thanks to both!

From beautiful Florida,

Maxime Thomas

Wednesday 14 May 2008 11:07:50 pm

You're welcome,

Weclome to the community Lulio !

Maxime Thomas | |

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