Forums / Install & configuration / Installation ez 3.2

Installation ez 3.2

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Toni Miller

Wednesday 01 October 2003 2:44:38 am

wer kann mir helfen. Ich habe ein Problem. Ich habe ez 3.2 erfolgreichupgeloaded. Als ich jedoch die Meldung mit dem System check bekommen habe, und ich den test durchführte, passiert nichts. Mein Provider verwended confixx professional, um die My Sql Datenbanken zu administrieren. Wo muss ich die Shell Befehle da eingeben, bzw. müssen diese Befehle irgendwie auf meine daten abgestimmt werden oder kann ich die so übernehmen ? Suche emailkontakt bitte an Danke Toni

Ich bin ja sssssssooooooo verzweifelt Bitte helft mir

Thomas Schamm

Wednesday 01 October 2003 4:33:50 am

Hi Toni,
first i should tell you, that most people will provide much help here, but you should write your questions in english, as this is the discussion language here. I'm german also, so you can ask me. My E-Mail is thomas[at]tschamm[dot]de
It would be helpful if you write down your configuration (what apache you are using, php, ezp version, ...). With Confixx i don't think you have a shell access, but if you have a SSH Login, you can use Putty oder WinSSH to get Shell Access.
Greetz, Thomas

Wolfgang Buldt

Wednesday 01 October 2003 5:21:57 am

I have simular problems. But may be, I did something wrong. I have unzipped the files at my local pc, and then uploaded by ftp to the server.
I could start the index.php, and the System Check started, and I got this message:

Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 636 is not allowed to access var/cache/ini/3c8ad8ce08531dfeba6caf9522ae1883.php owned by uid 30 in /opt/web1/html/ez32/lib/ezutils/classes/ezini.php on line 328

Safe Mode = Off, and open_basedir has no entry. I chmod per ftp all the necccessary folders to 777.

Seems, that something is wrong at my server configuration. Can someone help me? Is it necessary, to install the file direct on the server, and how exactly have i to do this?

I use apache 2 on a vserver, suse8 and php 4

Thomas Schamm

Wednesday 01 October 2003 9:27:47 am

I would think here of two Problems:
- ezp isn't tested with apache 2 well, so if you have a vserver with root access you should be able to install apache 1. This should work quite better. If you aren't able to reinstall apache, then you should search the forum for infos about apache2.
- I tried myself to install ezp with ftp and remember a problem with the user rights too. I think you've done right setting the user rights to 777. But perhaps try to get Shell Access and unzip it directly on the server, set the user rights to og+rwx and the owner of the files to your apache user group (it's descripted in the system check).
I can't help you with your debug information, perhaps s.o. else can.
Greetz, Thomas