Forums / Install & configuration / Installation Gotchas

Installation Gotchas

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Terry Grossman

Saturday 26 June 2004 6:08:29 pm

Hey All,

I just managed to get my new EZPublish site up. Being a complete newbie to EZPublish meant I probably took the same wrong turns that a lot of other people do. I thought I would list my problems and their solutions in case anyone else needs this info.

I was installing using the standard installation wizard, onto a linux (apache/mysql) box which I access through FTP. My ISP does not allow telnet access, which isn't that uncommon these days.


The first problem resulted in the dreaded KERNEL 50 error -- Unable to establish database connection. Without a database connection you are dead in the water.

When you run the installation wizard, it checks some of the permissions, and notifies you if they need modification. For instance, I was told to "chmod -R a+rwx /settings"

Now, if I had telnet access, this would have been easy. I don't have telnet access to my site, but I wasn't worried because my FTP client lets you do a CHMOD. But it turns out that the -R is VERY important. It specifies that the chmod should act recursively on all files/folders below the specified one. And very few FTP clients will do a recursive chmod. One of the few that does is called FlashFXP.

So I was, in effect, doing "chmod a+rwx /settings" instead of "chmod -R a+rwx /settings" which shuts up the "finetune" check because the directory it checks has the correct permissions, but WILL TOTALLY SCREW UP YOUR INSTALLATION. Without the recursion, I didn't have the appropriate read/write access to the files INSIDE the directories. So the wizard completed, and I kind of had an EZPublish site I tinkered with util I could log in, but it was weird. Files weren't where I was told they would be. Things didn't behave as I expected them. It was a mess.

So I deleted the site, uploaded a fresh copy of EZPublish, and did recursive chmods.
This eliminated the KERNEL 50 problem and all the other oddities.


Ok, got the KERNEL 50 problem solved. Can log in as admin. Now, to create a "regular" user to test the system. Go to "Sign up" give info, and wait for the verification e-mail. And wait, and wait. Something's up because the e-mail never went out.

Digging around on the forum didn't turn up much info about this, but I did notice, while browsing the site.ini settings, that there was no return address specified for e-mails (EmailSender). I don't know why, but this was preventing sendmail from processing mail. Specifying a sender address fixed this problem, and I was now receiving the registration verification e-mail. Hooray!

But the URL the user was told to click on generated a KERNEL 1 error -- ACCESS DENIED. It turns out the system was including extraneous module/directory information in the generated URL. The forum came through with a fix for this (see this topic:

So one more edit to site.ini fixes this problem.

Any other GOTCHA'S I should look out for, now that the basic installation is done?

Terry G.