Saturday 26 June 2004 6:08:29 pm
Hey All, I just managed to get my new EZPublish site up. Being a complete newbie to EZPublish meant I probably took the same wrong turns that a lot of other people do. I thought I would list my problems and their solutions in case anyone else needs this info. I was installing using the standard installation wizard, onto a linux (apache/mysql) box which I access through FTP. My ISP does not allow telnet access, which isn't that uncommon these days. <b>INSTALLATION</b> The first problem resulted in the dreaded KERNEL 50 error -- Unable to establish database connection. Without a database connection you are dead in the water. When you run the installation wizard, it checks some of the permissions, and notifies you if they need modification. For instance, I was told to "chmod -R a+rwx /settings" Now, if I had telnet access, this would have been easy. I don't have telnet access to my site, but I wasn't worried because my FTP client lets you do a CHMOD. But it turns out that the -R is VERY important. It specifies that the chmod should act recursively on all files/folders below the specified one. And very few FTP clients will do a recursive chmod. One of the few that does is called FlashFXP. So I was, in effect, doing "chmod a+rwx /settings" instead of "chmod -R a+rwx /settings" which shuts up the "finetune" check because the directory it checks has the correct permissions, but WILL TOTALLY SCREW UP YOUR INSTALLATION. Without the recursion, I didn't have the appropriate read/write access to the files INSIDE the directories. So the wizard completed, and I kind of had an EZPublish site I tinkered with util I could log in, but it was weird. Files weren't where I was told they would be. Things didn't behave as I expected them. It was a mess.
So I deleted the site, uploaded a fresh copy of EZPublish, and did recursive chmods. This eliminated the KERNEL 50 problem and all the other oddities. <b>REGISTRATION</b> Ok, got the KERNEL 50 problem solved. Can log in as admin. Now, to create a "regular" user to test the system. Go to "Sign up" give info, and wait for the verification e-mail. And wait, and wait. Something's up because the e-mail never went out. Digging around on the forum didn't turn up much info about this, but I did notice, while browsing the site.ini settings, that there was no return address specified for e-mails (EmailSender). I don't know why, but this was preventing sendmail from processing mail. Specifying a sender address fixed this problem, and I was now receiving the registration verification e-mail. Hooray!
<b>BAD VERIFICATION URL</b> But the URL the user was told to click on generated a KERNEL 1 error -- ACCESS DENIED. It turns out the system was including extraneous module/directory information in the generated URL. The forum came through with a fix for this (see this topic: So one more edit to site.ini fixes this problem. Any other GOTCHA'S I should look out for, now that the basic installation is done? Terry G. P.S. -- EZPUBLISH RULES!!! ;)