Forums / Install & configuration / Installation of ez Publish under Microsoft IIS web server
Jean Gansemer
Tuesday 01 April 2003 2:28:16 pm
I have performed the standard Windows installation running with the Apache web server: That runs perfectly.
As I have a couple of things running with a Microsoft IIS web server and I want to avoid of having other ports than the traditional port 80 open, I'd love to get eZ publish to also run with a Microsoft IIS server. I have set-up the IIS server to interprete PHP scripts and defined a virtual directoy to point to the ezpublish one. The result is that it runs as I can reach the demo site. The problem is then when I browse through the site, the page remains always the same (main demo page). The URLs do change (and they match those when using an Apache server). It's like if there was some issue around caching!Before wasting any time in the depths of ini files, I wanted to know if there was any potential chance I'll get ez Publish to run under IIS? Or is it fundamently not designed at all to run under this type of webserver? Anybody out there with such an experience?
Thanks in advance for the support.
PS: 1. I'm aware this product has been specified to run under an Apache platorm and that I might be looking for trouble.2. I have tried to find references on this topic , there seems to be a couple of them but when I try to reach them, I get the following message "The requested module 'forum' could not be found"
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs