Forums / Install & configuration / Left and Top menu.
Endre Solem
Sunday 06 June 2004 5:03:48 am
Hello all.
I have just installed ezPublish 3.4 and must say I like it so fare. Ihave one "problem" that I cant figure out, how do I edit end change the left and top menu?
I want some of the functions I selected at install time to reside in the top menu, and some in the left menu. The best thing would to have a sub menu on the left where I could change the content depending on the selected top menu.
Sunday 06 June 2004 4:56:35 pm
check you administration....
setup->menu management
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Monday 07 June 2004 10:36:22 am
Ok, thanks for the tip, but I have found the menu managment page. Take a look at this page have selected the top and left menu for my site, bu I only want the news link and the products link in the top menu and the home and service link in the left menu, how do I fo that? What files do I need to edit?
Roy Bøhmer
Monday 07 June 2004 12:56:39 pm
Hi!Look in /design/base/templates/menu. Here you find the template-files for the menus. You should also take a look at menu.ini. By moding (override) the menu.ini and add your own templatefiles you should be able to make your own new impressive menu!
Good luck
Tuesday 08 June 2004 12:05:46 am
Thanks again, I'm starting to understand the menu system more and more now.One ome question, how do I edit the content of the left menu? and not the top menu? Right now they contain the same data, pretty much. Can I use the admin interface to edit the left menu woithoout editing the top menu?
Tuesday 08 June 2004 3:33:20 pm
No, I wouldn't use the admin interface. Use your favourite editor and edit the file /design/base/templates/menu/sub_left.tpl. I have not tried my self, but I'm pretty sure this is the right file. This templatefile contains the logic and presentation for what the menu contains. (By default it cheks to see where the requested node belong in the node-tree. If its below a certaint level the menu displays all seccond-level nodes.)
To understand the default template these docs might help you:
You probably want to make an override, or - as I suggested in my last post - make your own new menu.
Mark Marsiglio
Tuesday 08 June 2004 9:32:18 pm
I am going to point you in the direction without giving a full answer (sorry) - you need to modify the sub_left.tpl to change the fetch.
You will need to fetch an array that contains the pages that you want to display, either by changing the nodes the are selected, the classes that are selected, or by excluding certain nodes or classes.
There is documentation on specifying this array on this site - I just don't know where to point you at this time.
One more thing - if you are new to eZ learn about the override functionality first. Don't customize the actual sub_left.tpl file, make sure you make a copy in your siteaccess/override/templates/menu folder and mess around with that one.
Good luck...Mark Turning Ideas Into Strategic Solutions
Wednesday 09 June 2004 10:10:03 am
Thanks for all the replys.I think I know what to do now.
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