Forums / Install & configuration / Mam problem z instalacja
Patryk Kala
Sunday 31 July 2005 8:04:08 am
mam taki problem ze po wpisaniu adresu wlancza mi sie instalator. gdy klikam next albo finetune wyskaktuje mi komunikat:
<b>Fatal error:</b> eZ publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.
bardzo prosze o pomoc.
Tim Dickinson
Sunday 31 July 2005 9:00:17 am
From what I'm guessing is your question, I would say that you need to increase the memory allocated to PHP to 12MB on your server.
Also, you may need to increase the php script timeout to 60 seconds rather than the standard 30 seconds so that the script can finish running.
Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music
Łukasz Serwatka
Sunday 31 July 2005 11:48:45 pm
Also make sure that your system is agreeable with requirements for eZ publish
Please write in english, then more eZ publish community members can help you, also if answer solve yoru problem than will be usefull for other members as well.
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Monday 01 August 2005 12:31:53 am
Czy da sie to ominac jakos ??
Mikhail Chekanov
Monday 01 August 2005 5:26:44 am
Spored men horata ne te razbirat, shto da ne probvash angliyski?
Po-moemu, sdes' malo kto ponimaet na polskom, pishi po angliyski.
Czy mówisz po angielsku?
-- mike #6595551
Monday 01 August 2005 6:20:13 am
how to change requirements to install this
Nie zabardzo mowie po ang. rozumiec rozumiem
Monday 01 August 2005 7:21:20 am
You have to locate and edit your php.ini file:
max_execution_time = 60 max_input_time = 60memory_limit = 12M
Tuesday 02 August 2005 7:11:39 am
How change requirements ezpublish. no php.ini
Luc Chase
Tuesday 02 August 2005 7:45:11 am
Patryk, if you don't have access to your php.ini file you might want to consider using a different host. Until then try... try adding the setting to your .htaccess file for the ezp directory.
The Web Application Service Provider
Wednesday 03 August 2005 11:32:22 am
hmm... help > i cant
how to do it??
i change index.php > ini_set( 'memory_limit', '20M' ) .htaccess_root > <FilesMatch "\.(php|html?)$"> php_value memory_limit 20M</FilesMatch>
and nothing
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs